meet our team

We are a team of industry experts and seasoned planners and are committed to making sure your experience with us is more than amazing. We love what we do and can’t wait to share this journey with you!

favorite season...

favorite season...
wardrobe must have...
wardrobe must have...
Lululemon leggings
A black blazer
coffee order...
coffee order...
Vanilla chai from Starbucks!
Latte with almond milk
favorite food...
favorite food...
Kraft mac n cheese
As a former New Yorker, pizza!

working with clients i value...
working with clients i value...
the relationships I get to form with them
Knowing what's important to them on their special day
Client Manager
& Planner
Venue Manager

favorite season...
wardrobe must have...
Mom jeans
coffee order...
Iced white mocha
favorite food...
Grilled cheese

working with clients i value...
Going the extra mile
Client Concierge